Plan of shot list for future visit
Drone shot at golden hour (sunset or sunrise) looking at the front of the temple.
Drone Photo plan
Example Photos from previous jobs:
Example from Holy Trinity in Chicago. Unfortunately it is covered by trees, so we would get more of St Anthony’s in the photo rather than just the steeples.
Colors to match the Chicago skyline photo rather than this shot. Clouds and prettier sky than this shot.
Something similar to this, but not crooked, during golden hour, and high res.
Google Streetview
Church Sign
Streetview example, I would take it much closer up, and try different angles
More icon photos of St Anthony. Photos which fill the frame of the icons of St Anthony.
Photo of St Anthony on iconostasis that fills the frame (is just of the icon). Icon 2 to the right of Christ
Candle Photos. More candles than what this photo just below has, and looking straight on instead of from the side. Also eye level with the candles.
Center panoramas. Similar to this photo, but center instead of from the side.
Downstairs just below balcony
Downstairs in line with front pews
Center single photo. Royal doors open. Candles lit.
Similar to this photo, but without anyone in it. Probably taken after the service, after everyone has venerated the cross. We will need the altar servers to wait until I am done taking photos before they blow out the candles.
Stained Glass Windows photos. More photos of the different stained glass iconography.
More action photos
Photos of readers/chanters
Photos of all the icons on the iconostasis that fill the frame (are just of the icon)
Photos of other icons around the temple that fill the frame