Second Shooting


I can be hired to second shoot for you. I am an experienced liturgical and event photographer, especially with Orthodox liturgies. I am very experienced at low/poor lighting environments that do not allow flash and involve movement.

My system is Sony, and I have a complete f2.8 Holy Trinity lineup from 16-200mm (Sigma and Sony GM II glass), as well as numerous f1.4, 1.8, and macro lenses. I can take photos for you, carry equipment, hold reflectors, setup stands, fetch water, stage people and groups, etc. I understand that you are the photographer, and I am there to fit your needs. I can also be used as a guide for Orthodox liturgies and rules surrounding the space if that is the context of your event/ceremony and you are not Orthodox.

Elevate the services you provide: I am also a licensed Drone Pilot, and I can take aerial photos/video for you.

Note: I will not fly my drone inside an Orthodox Temple, but I can fly it outside. I am okay with flying my drone inside the buildings of other religious groups if permission is granted from the owners.